ZQA Weather Hub of China (中气爱)

ZQA Advances (中气爱科技新知)

Outreach Acitivities

Beijing, China (Jan 2024), Gezhi Talks (中科院格致论道讲坛): Embark on the Scientific Research with Passion, Link

Shanghai, China (Jan 2024), BILIBILI POWER UP 2023 (2023年B站百大UP主颁奖典礼), Link

Zhuhai, Guangdong, China (August 2023), 2023 Meteorological Youth Scientists Forum and Meteorological Science and Technology Journal Development and Improvement Seminar: Dissemination, Promotion, and Utilization of Meteorological Research Achievements: Taking ZQA Weather Hub of China as an Example

Zibo, Shandong, China (August 2023), IQIYI Journey of Creating (爱奇艺随刻创作之旅), Mini-Meteorology, Mega-World

Selected Works

I have participated in the creation of following selected outreach works: