Latest Update: 23 July 2024

Manuscript(s) under Review

Refereed Publications

  1. Fu, Z.-H., W. Zhou*, S.-P. Xie*, R. Zhang, and X. Wang, 2024: Dynamic Pathway Linking Pakistan Flooding to East Asian Heatwaves. Science Advances, 10, eadk9250., [Magazine cover], [News in ScienceAAAS], [News in Fudan]

  2. Fu, Z.-H., R. Zhan*, J. Zhao, Y. Yamada, and K. Song, 2023: Future Projections of Multiple Tropical Cyclone Events in the Northern Hemisphere in the CMIP6-HighResMIP Models. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, e2023GL103064., [Outreach Video], [News in ZQA], [News in 科普中国]

  3. Chen, Y., X. Ye*, Y. Yao, Z. Lv, Z.-H. Fu, C. Huang, R. Wang, and J. Chen, 2023: Characteristics and sources of PM2. 5-bound elements in Shanghai during autumn and winter of 2019: Insight into the development of pollution episodes, Science of The Total Environment, 163432.

  4. Fu, Z.-H., L. Cheng, X. Ye*, Z. Ma, R. Wang, Y. Duan*, J. Huo, and J. Chen, 2022: Characteristics of aerosol chemistry and acidity in Shanghai after PM2.5 satisfied national guideline: Insight into future emission control, Science of The Total Environment, 154319., [News in ZQA]